miércoles, 6 de enero de 2021



SENSLESS ANSWER (Can’t say yes or no variation)


In this game each student has a 3 piece of paper (you can use coins instead), every single student has to move around the classroom asking questions. The trick here is that the students have to answer something senseless nothing related to the question this has to be fast 2 or three seconds for each answer if the student answer correctly, he or she gives a coin or piece of paper to the person who ask the question.


 Advantages and Disadvantages of the activity

 It is a funny and motivating activity.

 Promotes creativity.

 It motivates students to practice grammar structures.



 It should be used with students with a higher level of knowledge of the target language

 It could require that all the students had the same level of proficiency.


The Have You Ever game is a great way to get your class going because it can really get your students moving. And getting their students moving is never a bad thing.


 Teacher organizes the group in a large circle with one person in the middle.

 The leader will ask you for the phrase Have you ever?

 The person in the middle will finish the sentence.

 Student ask: Have you ever eaten sour lollipops? Each of the students in the circle who has done what the student in the middle said (eat sour lollipops) will quickly switch places with someone else who has done it too.

 Whoever stays in the middle will finish the sentence the next time.

 The game does not have a real ending, so you can play 2 or 20 times. 

NOTE: How to apply in online class, the teacher can apply in online classes although it is a bit difficult because students have to move. But it can be done on the zoom platform with the same instructions, with the change that the last person to turn off their camera will take their turn and continue with the activity.


Ø Students can interact and have fun in class.

Ø Teachers can really get their students moving.

Ø It is a pleasant talking activity, students can practice talking about their experiences by asking and answering.


Ø Some students are afraid to speak up or make mistakes.

Ø The class time is not enough for all students to participate, if the group of students is large.


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